*LOL Admin = League of Legends Admin
*FGC Admin = Fighting Game Community Admin
If you've been looking at our posters and graphics and been thinking to yourself "Psssh... I can make that", or if you're just looking to refine your photoshop/after effects/illustrator skills, then you're exactly who we're looking for. You'll be making posters, animations, logos and much more. Apply below and send us your portfolio, or your top 3 designs you've done.
If you're a talented writer and want to express your esports article writing flair, we'd love you have you on our team! You'll be given creative freedom to write about any VESA tournaments or events, and publish them to the website.
If you'd like to coordinate a tournament or event for a game that you love in the name of VESA, then we'd love to have you as part of our team! You'll be thinking of ways to bring the VESA community together and putting plans into action!
ALL Admins get access to our private Admin Discord, where you get the inside scoop on all the fun stuff we're planning for this year!
If you don't take yourself too seriously, love gaming, and want to be apart of the VESA leadership team, then apply for any of these by clicking the link below